9 July 2024

PROJECT CLOSE-UP: Light for Morocco initiative

Photo credits: Véronique Pingard

The “Light for Morocco Initiative” project and its objectives

Following the devastating earthquake that hit Morocco on September 8, 2023, and in partnership with the World Energy Council‘s Morocco Future Energy Leaders (MFEL) program, Electriciens sans frontières is committed to meeting the urgent needs of affected Moroccan communities.

An initial mission, supported by local Moroccan authorities and the Mohammed VI Foundation, was carried out in the immediate aftermath of the earthquake to distribute and install 644 solar kits in the affected douars. Nearly 13,000 people benefited in the El Haouz, Chichaoua and Taroudant regions. The mission also enabled us to identify the considerable needs in the most isolated areas affected by the disaster. To meet these needs, Electriciens sans frontières has been asked by the authorities and several local partners to provide a greater number of sustainable energy solutions, via the ” Light Initiative for Morocco ” project, whose objectives are as follows:

The aim of the project is toensure a low-emission, sustainable and reliable supply of renewable energy to displaced Moroccanpopulations affected by the earthquake, by :

  • Providing sustainable access to solar energy for earthquake-affected households and structures in Morocco;
  • Strengthening local Moroccan capacities in the management and maintenance of solar equipment.

The distribution of solar lamps and the installation of solar home kits in the homes of affected communities ensure a continuous supply of electricity to meet basic domestic needs, such as lighting and recharging small electrical appliances.

In addition, the installation of solar-powered lighting columns in the affected communes offers a number of advantages for the local population:

  • Improving security in the douars ;
  • Improving access to douars at night with night lighting;
  • Facilitate night-time activities and improve the quality of life in affected communities;
  • And finally, to replace carbon-intensive and costly solutions such as the use of generators, and thus save money in the long term thanks to the use of durable, quality equipment.

Activities carried out :

  • Feeding displaced households

Two volunteers from Electriciens sans frontières went to Morocco on an initial mission from February 25 to March 10, 2024, to prepare for the arrival of the first equipment orders in Morocco.

They visited douars in the provinces of Taroudant, Chichaoua and El Haouz on the recommendation of the authorities, to carry out a new needs assessment with a view to adapting the response ahead of the distribution of solar home lamps and kits. Repairs and maintenance actions were carried out, as well as electrical risk awareness training.

Needs assessment and repairs in the douar of Tikhte, El Haouz region, March 2024


Another mission was then carried out from May 4 to 19 to distribute 1,200 lamps and 480 solar kits in the Taroudant region, as well as 1,200 lamps and 419 solar kits in the El Haouz and Chichaoua regions. The distributions were organized in collaboration with the social affairs department of each region, as well as the provincial delegations of Entraide Nationale and the authorities of each douar concerned by our interventions.

Distribution in the Taroudant region, May 2024

Distribution in the El Haouz region, May 2024

The purpose of the trip, conducted from April 11 to 19, 2024, was to meet with local authorities in El Haouz and Taroudant to discuss the need for solar streetlights and facilitate the installation of the first equipment scheduled for July.

A second mission in June, in conjunction with local authorities and companies, enabled us to determine where the solar street lamps should be installed in the affected douars.

Two final missions will be carried out in the near future to finalize the distribution of 4,000 kits and 600 solar lamps in the regions of Ouarzazate, Chichaoua and Taroudant, to take delivery of the solar streetlight installations, and to carry out the final evaluation of the project.

Training and awareness-raising

At the same time as distributing and installing the equipment, Electriciens sans frontières volunteers have been working to develop training and awareness-raising materials, in French and Darija, for beneficiaries to ensure effective use of the equipment distributed and installed. The aim of these modules is to give beneficiaries a good understanding of how to use the equipment and the steps to follow for first-level maintenance.

Two training materials have been produced:

  • Training material on the management and maintenance of solar kits
  • Training support for first-level maintenance of solar streetlights.

Electriciens sans frontières remains committed to improving the quality of life of affected communities and promoting the sustainable use of renewable energies.

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