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+33 1 84 21 10 40
Electriciens sans frontières
59, avenue de la République
93170 Bagnolet
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    Report an abuse

    If you identify a breach of the laws or regulations in force, or the respect of ethical principles (in particular those mentioned in our Charter), either on the part of members of Electriciens sans frontières or its partners, then you can report this failure at the following address:
    Each report will be dealt with by our Ethics Committee, made up of three volunteers from the association.
    The report can be made by the person concerned or by a relative.

    Contact a regional delegation

    Contact a regional delegation


    The Alsace delegation has around 40 members and covers two departments: Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin. We are currently carrying out numerous projects at different stages of implementation. We welcome all those of good will motivated by international humanitarian cooperation, come and join us!

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    The Aquitaine delegation is spread over six departments with three departmental offices in Pau and Bordeaux and in the Bayonne region and brings together about 65 volunteers. We carry out projects mainly in African countries but our volunteers are also involved in emergency and post-emergency situations.

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    The Bretagne delegation, whose head office is in Brest, has just over 60 members spread over the four Breton departments and sometimes even beyond. Our volunteers have very different skills: setting up and coordinating projects, electrical knowledge, training, writing and communication, seeking funding, relationships with partners, etc.

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    Burgundy - Franche-Comté

    Electriciens sans frontières' Burgundy - Franche-Comté regional delegation is made up of around sixty volunteers. Coming from all walks of life and in a friendly atmosphere, everyone's skills complement each other and are developed in projects that bring vital electrical energy to the poorest populations on the planet.

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    Centre - Val de Loire

    The Centre delegation covers the six departments of the Centre - Val de Loire region. It has 40 members located in Touraine, Orléanais and Loir et Cher. Currently we are running projects in Africa mainly in Bénin, Burkina Faso, Congo Brazzaville and Mali. We also participate and organise many events in France. Join us now!

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    In support of the work of the volunteers and in order to carry out long-term activities that cut across all the delegations and projects, a team of employees is responsible for accounting, management control, financial monitoring of projects and the association, seeking partnerships and communication.

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    Ile-de-France - Hauts-de-France

    The delegation covers two administrative regions, Greater Paris and Hauts-de-France. With more than 250 volunteers, we operate in many countries on every continent. We are also raising awareness in France.

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    The Languedoc-Roussillon delegation has 95 members present in five departments: Gard, Hérault, Lozère, Aude and Pyrenees Orientales. The countries where we intervene include: Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Togo. The delegation is also involved locally by leading awareness-raising activities in primary schools.

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    Limousin - Auvergne - Poitou-Charentes

    The delegation covers the Limousin in the Auvergne and Poitou-Charentes. Our volunteers intervene in all types of activity, including access to energy, access to water, as well as expert missions and emergency response to natural disasters. Join us now!

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    Lorraine - Champagne-Ardenne

    The Lorraine - Champagne-Ardenne delegation covers eight departments and extends from the Vosges to the Aube, over 320 km. Our delegation now has around 80 members. The projects we are carrying out are numerous and focus mainly on Africa and Asia. Join us now!

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    The Midi-Pyrénées delegation is made up of just over 96 members. Many volunteers work each year to prepare development projects in different countries. We also carry out expert missions to assist other international cooperation and post-emergency actors in the event of a humanitarian crisis.

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    The delegation has about forty members, covering five departments (La Manche Calvados, Seine Maritime, Eure and Orne) and is currently carrying out projects, with different implementation stages. We also participate and organise many events in France. Join us now!

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    Pays de la Loire

    Based in Nantes, the Pays de la Loire delegation has around 80 volunteers. Our members have very different skills: organising events, coordinating logistics, preparing meetings within the delegation, setting up projects and so on. All these activities are complementary and allow us to carry out many projects.

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    Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - Corsica

    The Provence – Alpes - Côte d'Azur - Corsica delegation spans six departments and Corsica with three branches in Marseille, Cannes and Gap and brings together about 70 volunteers. We lead projects mainly in Africa and Asia with more specific actions in the refugee camps.

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    The Rhône-Alpes regional delegation is organised into six local branches and has about 150 members. The projects carried out by Rhône Alpes volunteers cover all Electriciens sans frontières' areas of activity. Rhône-Alpes volunteers also participated in emergency response activities in the most recent natural disasters.

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