million euros of financial resources in 2019
million euros of voluntary in-kind donations in 2019 (most part are hours of volunteer work)
93 %
of our projects use renewable energies (either partly or fully)
Give in full confidence
To ensure full financial transparency, Electriciens sans frontières (Electricians without borders) has set up internal and external monitoring tools to certify a transparent governance and sound management of the resources that you entrust to us.

Electriciens sans frontières is approved by the French label don en confiance (giving in confidence). At the request of associations who wish it, this body controls the organisations that appeal to public generosity. The four aspects of the label’s continuous assessments are: statuary functioning and selfless management, rigorous management, quality of the communication and fundraising activities, and financial transparency.

In accordance with its statutes, Electriciens sans frontières draws up the association’s accounts that have always been true and fair. Since they have been submitted for approval, independent accountants of Forvis Mazars audit firm, certifies them.

The independent accounting firm Certus assists the association in the annual accounting draw up.

The Internal Control Commission of Electriciens sans frontières analyses the risks related to the activity and makes recommendations. It also ensures that the procedures of good governance and good management are correctly applied by all the association’s regional delegations and headquarters.
Our resources and expenses
Electriciens sans frontières (Electricians without borders) receives financial support of several kind of structures and from voluntary contributions that constitute a particular asset for the association. The long-term commitment of our public and private partners is a sign of confidence that attests to the NGO’s high standards of management.
Voluntary contributions
These are made as gifts and with no compensation. They correspond to volunteering, skills sponsorship, service delivery, donations of equipment and the provision of premises.
Financial resources
Financial support comes mainly from long-term partnerships with companies but also timely project financing from public and private actors and funds raised from the public.

88% of the financial resources and 90% of voluntary in-kind contributions are dedicated to undertaking social missions abroad. The diagram besides illustrates the overall expenditures by type and usage.

Annual report
Our governance instances
The NGO’s life is paced by 10 governance instances, commissions and committees that gather throughout the year to look after the association’s functioning.
General Assembly
Its role: to approve the accounting, the activity report and the budget, elect the Board of directors’ members and the Board members, and to make decisions about all the resolutions presented.
Board of directors
Its role: to establish Electriciens sans frontières principal orientations, close the budget and the accounts.
Its role: to ensure the day-to-day management of Electriciens sans frontières. It validates specially the principles of the association’s employees’ wages determination (it is worth noting that Electriciens sans frontières’ directors are either volunteers or waged by a partner enterprise.

Hervé Gouyet

Marc Gratton
Vice president

Jean-Michel Thomas
Second Vice president

Thierry Eve

Jean-Pierre Cerdan
General secretary
Governing Council
Its role: to ensure compliance with values, statutes and rules of procedure. Also, to prepare the action plan, budget and organisational notes, validating projects which have received a favourable opinion from the Project Commission.
14 Regional delegations
The regional delegations represent and lead the actions of Electriciens sans frontières in the regions by contributing to all aspects of association life (in particular: governance, management of members, projects, cash flow, financing and communication at the regional level). They are directed by the regional secretariats which implement the decisions recorded by the association and more particularly its office in accordance with the statutes.
Project Commission
Its role: to verify the compliance of projects with our eligibility criteria, developing and proposing to the Governing Council the necessary tools and procedures for formulating projects, propose to the Governing Council an opinion on the projects submitted to it.
Communication and Partnerships Commission
Its role: to ensure the development of the partners network, to think of new hints of funding, proposing new forms of diversified support and contributing to the elaboration of communication tools.
Treasurers Commission
Its role: to elaborate and to adjust the procedures and budget models related to the assembly, follow-up and finance the projects.
Orientation Council
Its role: to provide advice on any matter or policy referred to it by the Board of Directors, the Governing Council or the Board.
Internal Control Commission
Its role: Look after ethical principles, transparency, compliance with commitments, traceability of decisions, respect to the authority and signature’s delegations and the cycle of each type of action.